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Chang, C. H.*, Wong, K.F., and Lim, W.Y. (2023). Threshold Estimation for Continuous Three-Phase Polynomial Regression Models with Constant Mean in the Middle Regime. Statistica Neerlandica, 77, 4-47. SCI.


Chang, C. H.*, Huang, H. C. & Ing, C. K. (2022). Selection of Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Clustered Data. Accepted by Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.


Chih-Hao Chang, Hsiang-Ling Hsu, YingBin Zhuang, and Hong-Ding Yang* (2022). A spatial model averaging approach for predicting the traffic flow in Taiwan. Journal of the Chinses Statistical Association, 60(4), 261-300.


Chang, C. H.*, Huang, H.-C. and Ing, C.-K. (2022). Inference of Random Effects for Linear Mixed-Effects Models with a Fixed Number of Clusters. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 74, 1143-1161. SCI.


Chang, C. H., Chen, Z. B. and Huang, S. F.* (2022). Forecasting of high-resolution electricity consumption with stochastic climatic covariates via a functional time series approach. Applied Energy, 309, 118418. SCI.


Chang, C. H., Huang, H.C. and Ing, C.K. (2017). Mixed Domain Asymptotics for a Stochastic Process Model with Time Trend and Measurement Error. Bernoulli, 23(1): 159-190, SCI.


Chang, C. H., Huang, H.-C. and Ing, C.-K. (2014). Asymptotic Theory of Generalized Information Criterion for Geostatistical Regression Model Selection. The Annals of Statistics, 42: 2441-2468, SCI.


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