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  * 本學期演講 * 歷年演講
日期 時間 主講者 單位 講題
2008-06-25 15:30-16:30 陳木法院士 北京師範大學數學科學學院 Eigenvalues, inequalities and ergodic theory
2008-06-06 15:30-16:40 Prof. Andrei Volodin Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina The Dependent Bootstrap Procedure
2008-06-04 15:30-16:30 蕭守仁教授 彰化師範大學數學系暨統計資訊研究所 Selecting the Last Consecutive Records in a Record Process
2008-06-04 16:30-17:30 Prof.Liansheng Larry Tang Department of Statistics, George Mason University A Sequential Procedure for Recalculating Sample Sizes and Monitoring Comparative Diagnostic Trials
2008-05-21 15:30-16:30 黃文瀚教授 國立中興大學應用數學系 A general framework for capture-recapture models with covariates: semiparametric approach
2008-05-21 16:30-17:30 Prof. Arjun K. Gupta Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green State University Ubiquitous Gaussian Distribution and Modeling Skewness
2008-04-30 15:30-16:30 傅承德教授 國立中央大學統計學研究所及中央研究院統計科學研究所合聘 The Pricing of Risk and Sentiment: A Study of Executive Stock Options
2008-04-23 15:30-16:30 周元燊教授 中央研究院院士/美國哥倫比亞大學退休教授/國立成功大學特聘講座教授 On A Coin-Tossing Problem
2008-04-16 15:30-16:30 吳鐵肩教授 國立成功大學統計學系 Optimal Estimates of Integrated Squared Density Partial Derivatives
2008-03-26 15:30-16:30 吳英年教授 Department of Statistics, UCLA (加州大學洛杉磯分校統計系) Active Basis Model, Shared Sketch Algorithm, and Sum-Max Maps
2008-03-19 15:30-16:30 Prof.Antony Unwin Department of Computer-Oriented Statistics and Data Analysis, Augsburg University Statistical Consulting Interactions
2008-03-19 16:30-17:30 蔡偉彥教授 Department of Biostatistics,Columbia University Pseudo-Partial Likelihood Estimators for Cox Regression Model With Missing Covariates
2008-03-05 15:30-16:30 林 霖教授 國立暨南國際大學財務金融學系 「Careers in Finance」座談會-財金人之職場與戰場
2008-03-05 16:30-17:30 胡毓彬教授 國立暨南國際大學國際企業學系 A Useful Transformation for Analyzing Multivariate Volatility Processes

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更新日期:2024/4/30 下午 05:45:15

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