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  * 本學期演講 * 歷年演講
日期 時間 主講者 單位 講題
2007-05-16 15:30-16:30 陳怡如教授 中正大學數學系 Robustness Properties of Generalized Correlation Coefficients, with Applications to Crossover Designs
2007-05-09 15:30-16:30 葛豐壽博士 國家衛生研究所(博士後研究) Identification and Assessment of Longitudinal Biomarkers Using Frailty Models in Survival Analysis
2007-04-11 15:30-16:30 俞淑惠博士 Department of Statistics, Stanford University, USA (訪問學者) Some Topics in Forecasting
2007-03-28 15:30-16:30 張升懋先生 North Carolina State University A stationary stochastic approximation algorithm for estimation in generalized linear mixed models
2007-03-21 15:30-16:30 程毅豪博士 中央研究院統計科學研究所 Case-Control Haplotype-Disease Association Analysis Allowing for Haplotype-Environment Interaction and Correlation

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更新日期:2024/4/30 下午 05:45:15

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