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  * 本學期演講 * 歷年演講
日期 時間 主講者 單位 講題
2012-01-04 15:30-16:30 蔡偉彥教授 Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University Proportional Likelihood Ratio Model
2011-12-28 15:30-16:30 盧鴻興教授 交通大學統計學研究所 Introduction to Image Science
2011-12-23 15:30-16:30 Prof. Samuel Kou Department of Statistics, Harvard University Stochastic Modeling in Single-Molecule Biophysics
2011-12-21 14:30-15:20 韓傳祥教授 清華大學計量財務金融系 金融中波動率的數學問題
2011-12-14 15:30-16:30 王海嬰教授 香港中文大學統計學系 Application and Implication of Cointegration in Asset Pricing
2011-11-18 16:20-17:10 楊宇泓教授 School of Statistics, University of Minnesota A Parametricness Index to Help Stop the War Between AIC and BIC?
2011-11-09 15:30-16:30 陳春樹教授 彰化師範大學統計資訊研究所 Adaptive Order Selection in Autoregressive Models
2011-11-02 15:30-16:30 連怡斌教授 彰化師範大學統計資訊研究所 Beyond Standardized Incidence: Assessing the Impact of Arsenic on Cancers by APC Model
2011-10-05 15:30-16:30 蔡瑞胸院士 中央研究院院士、University of Chicago Booth School of Business Multivariate Volatility Modeling: Review and A New Approach
2011-09-28 15:30-16:30 黃郁芬教授 中正大學數學系 Sensitivity Analysis of Nongaussianity by Projection Pursuit
2011-09-21 15:30-16:30 鄧惠文教授 中央大學統計研究所 Bayesian Random Trees for Calibrating State Price Densities of Financial Options

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更新日期:2024/4/11 上午 09:16:10

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